The Gift of Dreaming

Do you remember your dreams?
Can you easily decipher their meanings?
Are you meeting up with loved ones in other realms?
Is the guidance you're receiving in your nightly mind-movies translating into your waking life?

I always like comparing the gift of being psychic to the gift of dreaming. They're both really so everyday and natural, yet many people say they can't and don't even remember their dreams, let alone utilize them as amazing gifts of living.

Absolutely everyone dreams. It's a proven fact. Just like everyone has intuitive skills, even if they aren't aware. In both cases, these supposed gifts play out as natural ways of being, just like our abilities to imagine and reason. If you don't feel you were born with it but wish you had the gift of dreaming, all it takes is some willpower and a few daily practices.

Three Habits of Highly Gifted Dreamers

1. Gifted Dreamers expect to remember their dreams.
Maybe it's because they've always remembered them so it just feels natural. However, even if you're developing the gift of dreaming later in life, realizing that you always do dream every single sleep, you're opening a door to remembering. Set an intention right before you fall asleep that you will, in fact, remember. Write it down. This glues it to your subconscious mind, highlighting it as important.
And know, you will remember!

2. Dreamers keep and develop their own, personal Dream Dictionary.
Longtime Dreamers may simply just know the meanings of every dream, but true Dreaming Experts keep a running Dream Journal, recording everything from the snippets to the epics. Utilize your Dream Lexicon to break down symbols, meanings, feelings, and unfoldings into real life. Keeping at it for years will not only pump up your Gift of Dreaming but you'll discover how truly psychic you are in the light of day.

3. Dreamers show appreciation for their gift.
Gifts that we love and appreciate are the ones that we use constantly. Being mindful of your dreams, realizing the meanings, writing it all up, then taking what you've learned and adjusting your life accordingly - these are the best ways of appreciating and thereby reinforcing your ever evolving gift.

There are so many benefits to dreaming. Dejavu becomes a daily occurrence. Dreamtime symbols blend into daytime, and you will develop your own, unique Supernatural Sign Language. Warnings, guidance, predictions, omens, virtual travel to places real and imagined, visitations from loved-ones in other realms (to name a few) ...all these happen during the mind-movies of our sleep, then slip into our waking realities,
if we'll just open our eyes!


What special dreaming techniques do you use? Please do share.

Interested in seeing my example of a Lexicon for recording your dreams and signs?
Check out my extra-mystical-lexicon.